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The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties (Through Planet Unipessoal LDA and Client), replaces any prior agreement or understanding and cannot be changed, except in writing between the parties. 

In the event of delay, violation or non-compliance by any of the parties, a partial or total tacit waiver of what has been agreed within the scope of this contract is not presumed or constituted, under the commitment to end the delay or remedy the non-compliance.

Portuguese law applies to this Agreement and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Portuguese courts.

Provisional reservation and confirmation of reservations: If Through Planet Unipessoal LDA confirms the reservation, its effectiveness will be conditioned on the provision of payment details, namely the Customer's credit card and authorization to deduct expenses (including cancellation fees) . Without prejudice to administrative charges and any damages caused, if payment details are not provided to Through Planet Unipessoal LDA. the Contract will have no effect, and the services, the subject of the provisional reservation, may be released to be sold again, without any obligation to notify the Customer.

Provision of services: Through Planet Unipessoal LDA will provide the Customer with the services covered by the Agreement. The Customer, for its part, will provide Through Planet Unipessoal LDA with all necessary data or other information related to the services, within the period necessary for Through Planet Unipessoal LDA to allow it to provide the agreed services. The Customer is obliged to guarantee the accuracy of all information provided. Through Planet Unipessoal LDA may, at any time and without the need to notify the customer, make any changes to the services that are necessary to comply with any safety standards or any other statutory requirements, as well as those that do not significantly affect the nature or quality of services.

Fees: The fees payable by the Customer will be specified in writing by Through Planet Unipessoal LDA. If there are unspecified fees or if additional and varied services are provided to the Customer, the Customer will pay the standard amount at the rate in force on the day the services are provided and any additional sums agreed between Through Planet Unipessoal LDA and the Customer for the provision of services. Through Planet Unipessoal LDA may vary the usual rates periodically. All charges mentioned to the Customer for the provision of food and beverage services include Value Added Tax (VAT) at the rate applicable on the day the charge is paid, unless otherwise stated.

Payments: Payments to Through Planet Unipessoal LDA to be made by the Customer (including deposits) will be made on the date(s) and in the amounts determined. If any services under the Contract are changed before arrival, the payment to be made will reflect the change in the services described by Through Planet Unipessoal LDA. Any additional charges or services provided by Through Planet Unipessoal LDA will be paid by the Customer when presenting the respective invoice.For accommodation reservations made at the advance purchase rate, full payment will be taken at the time of booking. This payment is non-refundable in the event of any change or cancellation.

Cash payment is not accepted for guests without a reservation – a valid credit or debit card must be swiped through the chip and PIN machine and authorization must be given. All charges will be settled before the Customer leaves. The Customer authorizes the settlement of all outstanding charges, which may be processed by Colégio Charm House through payment via credit or debit card, according to the data contained in the file cards.

Group/Event cancellation fees or “no show”: The Client agrees to pay cancellation fees to Through Planet Unipessoal LDA in the event of canceling the requested services or if the Client and/or their guests do not show up on the date and time specified in the contract. Through Planet Unipessoal LDA will provide a cancellation number to the Customer in the event that the Customer wishes to cancel, and the same number must be used in any future negotiations with Through Planet Unipessoal LDA.

Changes to required services: Any changes to numbers, accommodation and food and beverage requirements required for the Services, as well as any other changes or sums will be agreed by the Customer and Through Planet Unipessoal LDA in writing.

Responsibility for Colégio Charm House: When Through Planet Unipessoal LDA provides Services that involve third parties, Through Planet Unipessoal LDA will not be responsible for giving any guarantee or other term of responsibility regarding their quality, fitness for purpose or otherwise, but must, whenever possible, provide the Customer with the benefits given by any guarantee or compensation provided by the service provider to Through Planet Unipessoal LDA. Through Planet Unipessoal LDA will have no liability to the Customer for any losses, damages, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation arising from any instructions provided by the Customer, which prove to be incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, illegible, out of sequence or under incorrectly, or resulting from its late or non-arrival, or any other failure on the part of the Customer. Except in the case of death or personal injury caused by negligence on the part of Through Planet Unipessoal LDA, or as expressly provided in these Terms, Through Planet Unipessoal LDA will not be liable to the Customer for any representation (unless fraudulent) or any implied warranty, condition or other terms, or any obligation at common law, or under the express Terms in the Contract, for any loss of profit or other indirect, special or consequential, damages, costs, expenses or other allegations (even if caused negligence on the part of Through Planet Unipessoal LDA, its employees or agents or others) arising out of or in connection with the provision of the services (including any delay in the provision of the services or the inability to provide them) or their use by part of the Customer, and the entire responsibility of Through Planet Unipessoal LDA, under the terms of the Agreement will not exceed the amount of charges of Through Planet Unipessoal LDA for the provision of the services, except as expressly provided for in these Terms.

Termination: Through Planet Unipessoal LDA may, at any time, terminate the Agreement by giving written notice to the Customer, if the Customer commits any breach of these Terms, or if the Customer goes into liquidation, enters into insolvency, enters into a voluntary agreement with its creditors or has appointed a consignee or administrator.

Customer Responsibilities: Arrival and departure times for accommodation at Colégio Charm House are, respectively, 4pm and 12pm. The Customer is responsible for their behavior and that of their guests at Colégio Charm House and, in particular, for the orderly conduct of guests who attend any event or stay at Colégio Charm House, as well as any other form of use they make of the services. The Customer will ensure that no noise or nuisance will be caused to Colégio Charm House or its other guests and customers. The Customer will agree with any reasonable request from Colégio Charm House and with the policies of Through Planet Unipessoal LDA regarding the application of its services, which may be changed from time to time. If a guest at Colégio Charm House wishes for any item to be received or supported before their arrival or after their departure, they must notify Colégio Charm House in advance. Colégio Charm House reserves the right to deny receipt of such items. Any costs incurred in connection with the return will be borne by the sender. All items will be left to the responsibility of their owner and may be subject to search. Please consider that if any item is closed or sealed, it is the owner's responsibility to facilitate access to it. Through Planet Unipessoal LDA is not responsible for any flood, fire or damage caused to items. Smoking is only permitted in outdoor areas that do not have signs to the contrary. All customers arriving without a reservation or booking on the same day will provide photographic identification upon arrival, regardless of their nationality.

Responsibility for the use of the room or house, safe and expenses to be settled: The Customer understands and accepts that the provision of payment details, namely debit and/or credit cards, constitutes authorization for the use of said cards to pay for your current and future stays as well as to cover any damages caused or added services. This does not absolve you of responsibility for the bill presented at the time of your stay. The Customer also admits to being personally liable in the event of non-payment of all or part of these expenses by a designated person, company or third party. Colégio Charm House is not responsible for money, jewelry or other valuables that may have been lost, stolen or left in public areas, generally accessible areas and private vehicles. Under hotel legislation, the use of the room safe does not imply any civil liability for Colégio Charm House.

CCTV: In public areas of Colégio Charm House and in some service areas, video surveillance (CCTV) will be active and video recordings may be made. This activity is carried out for security reasons, which allows Colégio Charm House to carry out good management and ensure the safety of all its customers and employees. The Customer unequivocally understands and accepts said recordings.

Photography and filming: All photography or filming for commercial purposes will be authorized by a member of the Charm House College executive team. No photography or filming may take place in any area of ​​Colégio Charm House, under any circumstances, without the representative assigned by Colégio Charm House itself. Charm House College staff and uniforms, even partially, will not be photographed or filmed and no role performed by the team will be represented for photography or filming purposes. The use of the name of Colégio Charm House, its commercial photographs, the images of Colégio Charm House and the Colégio Charm House logo, including registered trademarks or commercial names, requires the prior written consent of Colégio Charm House. Colégio Charm House will take appropriate legal measures to prevent any abuse or unauthorized use of the items listed above.

Intellectual property rights: All information, data and materials presented on this website, including names, logos, content, etc., as well as the color palette and layout of the website, are subject to copyright, trademark rights, database and/or other intellectual property rights. Such content may only be used if authorized by Colégio Charm House and if used strictly for personal, non-commercial purposes. Any other use and/or reproduction of these contents, without the prior written consent of Colégio Charm House, is prohibited and constitutes a violation of these Terms, and may infringe the intellectual property rights of Colégio Charm House.

Data Protection Regulation: The Customer authorizes the processing of personal data by Colégio Charm House in order to enable the fulfillment of its respective duties, as well as the exercise of its rights. The Customer gives his express consent to the collection, registration, organization, conservation, adaptation, alteration, recovery, consultation, use, limitation, erasure and destruction of his personal data in fully or partially autonomous systems or in non-autonomous means contained in files , whether provided by you or collected by Colégio Charm House for the proper performance of business management functions or for the fulfillment of legally imposed obligations, and the necessary personal data must be clearly identified, as well as the purposes of processing and the period of maintenance . The Customer authorizes the communication and disclosure of personal data, always within the scope of the purposes indicated above, by any form of availability, to public or private entities that provide management services or compliance with legal obligations, accountants, hygiene, security and occupational health, auditing and/or certification companies, entities that provide training, banks, insurance companies, lawyers and solicitors, public entities and other entities that, by virtue of legal provision, are in charge of processing official statistics. The Customer gives his/her express consent for photocopies of his/her identification documents to be taken to better fulfill the obligations imposed by Colégio Charm House.

[email protected]

(+351) 912 061 961
(National Mobile Network)

Rua Chefe António Afonso, nº1 8800-636 Tavira